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for teachers

Our resources are aimed at EFL and ESOL teachers working with individuals or groups and wishing to enhance and diversify their teaching practice. We offer a mixture of free and paid resources trialed in real live lessons. The materials are versatile and can be successfully used in both face-to-face and online settings. 

Our lesson folders contain:

Cannot find what you are looking for? Not to worry! We can create teaching resources tailored to your needs.

Essential skills

Our resources are designed to develop all essential language skills at different levels. They are assorted by categories: Reading, Listening, Speaking, Grammar, Vocabulary etc., and given helpful tags: A2, Online, F2F etc. to make it easier for you to navigate through our files.

All resources contain discreet MDE branding. Its removal will be violating our creator’s rights. 

Once downloaded, you can use these materials in your lessons again and again, in whole or in part. Make sure you return to our website time-to-time  – we regularly add new resources to our library.

Free Resources

These resources are free to download and use. Each folder will provide you with a detailed lesson plan, a Power Point presentation as well as audio or video files, and printable handouts you will need in your lesson. 

The Real Life English

Authentic materials

All students studying English have one ultimate goal: to achieve fluency in comprehending and using authentic language in everyday life. Our lessons based on the materials that are not specially adapted for language learners and include authentic English-speaking  poetry, films, songs, lectures and more, will help them to develop their skills faster.

Authentic language materials also provide an unbounded opportunity to learn and understand more about the English-speaking cultures.

IELTS Preparation

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS), is an international standardised test of English language proficiency for non-native English language speakers. IELTS is designed to test the language ability of people who want to study or work in the countries where English is used as the language of communication.  

Check our ready-made lessons for teachers whose students are preparing for the test.